Workshop Reports

a)  July 2010, Inception Meeting: IT for Change hosted the inception meeting of the research network on Gender and Citizeship in the Information Society on 27-30 July 2010 in Bengaluru. The four-day workshop combined instructional, peer-to-peer, self-reflexive group work, and debate formats to co-construct knowledge and action frameworks around feminist engagement in the information society. The research teams presented their work and critically engaged with one another in large and small-group discussions to build a shared understanding of the programme goals, scope, and theoretical background. The discussions were supported by the Programme Advisors Lisa McLaughlin and Srilatha Batliwala, as well as resource persons: Gita Sen, Manjima Bhattacharjya and Maya Nair. Click here to read the workshop report.

b) April 2011, Mid-term Review Workshop: The second meeting of the CITIGEN research network took place on 26-28 April 2011, in the Institute of Defence Studies and Analyses (New Delhi, India). 

The objectives of the workshop were:

  • Review and reflect upon the emerging insights from each research project in relation to the questions and core concepts of the programme

  • Build a big picture that speaks to the theoretical imperatives of the programme as a whole

  • Anchored in emergent theoretical formulations of the programme, explore the elements of a 'Southern' discourse on women's citizenship in the information society and implications of the same for practice and policy at national and global levels.

The workshop aimed at facilitating the articulation of emerging concepts and tentative theories from the ongoing work in the CITIGEN network and channel these into a debate on the larger questions of democratic structures and institutions, and their shifting meanings for marginalised women's participation in the information society, as equal citizens. In order to expand and deepen the debates and discussions, a few scholars working on feminist frameworks from a Southern perspective, and who are potential contributors to the network's research, were invited to comment and present their perspectives on the project's ongoing work. Read the workshop report.


c) February 2012, Research Validation Meeting: The final meeting of the CITIGEN Asia research network was an occasion for the network members to take stock of the work done and to reflect upon the questions and concerns framing the research endeavour that they have been a part of. The network is a loose group of researcher-activists and activist-researchers interested in examining the relationship between gender and the information society, a key construct to understand contemporary life, from the vantage point of women's participation and citizenship. Feminist activists and scholars were present at the meeting to engage with the research findings and to offer a constructive critique. Read the workshop report.