Prakriye team's exposure visit to KMVS and Abhiyan, June 2013

Between 19-22 June 2013, Anita and Nandini from IT for Change, with Shreeja, Mangala, Rajesh and Harish from the Prakriye field centre of IT for Change, visited Kutch Mahila Vikas Sanghathan (KMVS) and Kutch Nav Nirman Abhiyan (Abhiyan). The objectives of the exposure visit were as follows:

  • To understand the insights and learnings of KMVS from their experiences of collectively organising and building capacities of Elected Women Representatives in Mundra and Nakhthrana Blocks of Kutch district for over 20 years.
  • To understand Abhiyan's ICTD model and ICT-based telecentre strategy for enabling marginalised communities to challenge existing informational hierarchies, that impede their access to entitlements and provide new information channels that can enable the emergence of a community-centred local governance and development model, on the ground.


The field visit opened up alternative imaginaries for the team, on addressing the questions of 'the politics of context' and 'the politics of technology' in the search for a context-appropriate, situated, ICTD paradigm. Also, the field visit re-affirmed the partnering organisations' commitments to pay close attention to the differential local governance institutional scenario in Gujarat and Karnataka, while evolving a common strategy for the 'Making Women's Voices and Votes Count' project.